Post by Shane on Jun 14, 2005 16:56:05 GMT 7
How many of you on here surf Chinese websites? If you do, how angry do you get when EVERY damn link is set to open in a new window? What's that all about? I don't surf too many Chinese sites (just a couple), but my fiancee does, and after about 3 or 4 minutes online, she's got about 15 Internet Explorer windows open. Damn you, Sohu! It's partly because of this that I installed Firefox. The tabbed browsing really saves my sanity - and my PC's virtual memory. I had to spend a few minutes training Viv how to open links in a new tab rather than a whole new instance of a program, but that was time well spent! Talking of Chinese websites, who thought it would be a good idea to have animated ads flying across the screen all the time? Bah
Post by Jollyjunklass on Jun 14, 2005 18:12:07 GMT 7
Hey Shane, How's it going? I use firefox as my main server, I don't receive one pop up, it's user friendly and I love the look of it. I hate internet exporer, it's slow and sucks big time. I also use safari, but, like firefox better.
Post by Nate M on Jun 14, 2005 18:20:55 GMT 7
I'm gonna chime in again with support for Opera. It's similar to firefox, but in my opinion faster and more user-friendly.
Post by Shane on Jun 14, 2005 19:04:13 GMT 7
Yeah, Firefox rocks. Seems the pop-ups have started appearing again though, although not so many. Maybe we should have a competition: Go to Sohu and see how many windows you can open before crashing your PC, by following a few news links.
Post by Jollyjunklass on Jun 14, 2005 19:07:17 GMT 7
Honestly Shane, Just did and not a one. Don't know why, maybe because I have a Mac. Or maybe you have to set your prefernces different, I don't recall how I set mine up.
Post by Jollyjunklass on Jun 14, 2005 19:12:27 GMT 7
Oh sorry, I see what you mean by windows. I was talking pop-ups. Although, I do deal with this a lot with the China sites, and my computer has never crashed. I rather like the different windows, it allows me to save my page in case I want to refer back to it.
Post by Shane on Jun 14, 2005 19:15:03 GMT 7
Bah. Must just be me annoyed by it then. Perhaps once you've had the eXPerience of Windows XP's 'automatic grouping on windows on the taskbar' feature, you'll get annoyed, too!
Post by Jollyjunklass on Jun 14, 2005 19:24:05 GMT 7
I think I do have features like that, but, I just haven't learned how to use them, Hamish would know more about this.
Post by acjade on Jun 14, 2005 19:41:25 GMT 7
Hamish do you hear us? Get here right now babe and help us out. Go slow for us recycleables as opposed to the re cyclopes. Some of us has real slow networks .
Post by Hamish on Jun 14, 2005 21:08:28 GMT 7
I'm a Mac person, and use Safai with PithHelmet. I never see anything I don't want to see. I see everything I want to see. I can't even say "I fel your pain" and be truthful. I have never used a Windows machine. I feel so useless at the moment. Happy to have Macs, but useless.